Helping With Homework
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Helping With Homework

Cable Co-op Presents:

Helping with Homework

Now Oberlin families that qualify for “free or Reduced lunch” by Oberlin Schools, can qualify for Cable Co-op’s “Helping with Homework” program.


  1. Must live within Cable Co-op’s service area
  2. Must not have or had Internet service from Cable Co-op for last 6 months
  3. Must not have any unpaid debt with Cable Co-op


  1. 8Mbps Wireless Internet connection
  2. Reliable connection
  3. No data caps
  4. Local support
  5. Local office
  6. Non-profit
  7. No contract
  8. No basic install fees

Startup costs include:

  1. First month of service is collected before install is scheduled.
  2. $20 Modem deposit (one time & refundable with termination of service and equipment returned)
  3. Totals startup cost is, $30.95

Monthly costs are $9.95, plus $1 membership fee, for a total of $10.95 per month.