Worth Reading
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Worth Reading

YOUR data is YOURS when you are a member of Cable Co-op

Unlike some providers, Cable Co-op does not sell or use your data for anything. We keep it private and unavailable.
We also researched and found a Wi-Fi service that allows us to control and own the data. This was not an easy task as many manufacturers and Wi-Fi providers control your data in some form or another. We took the time and effort to make sure no one else has any rights or access to YOUR data. This ensures your data stays private, unsold, and unavailable to anyone, for any reason.
Other ISP’s and many Wi-Fi routers collect your data and use it for various reasons. Many state they only use it to improve your experience, but using your data for anything is not how Cable Co-op does business. Others may claim that they only share YOUR data with business partners, but again, YOUR data is YOURS, we do not share it with anyone.
Your data is YOURS and we ensure it stays that way.
Cable Co-op always has the best interests of our members in mind with every decision we make.
Keep your data yours. Get a superior Wi-Fi experience, a protected Wi-Fi network, and a price that cannot be beat. Cable Co-op’s Advance Wi-Fi does all this and more!

Oberlin Cable Co-op is truly YOUR Cable company.

Created & established by members of YOUR COMMUNITY.
Governed by members of YOUR COMMUNITY.
Owned by members of YOUR COMMUNITY.
36 years of service to YOUR COMMUNITY.

We truly are Oberlin’s Cable Co-op and proud of it.

Nonprofit, member-owned, community-focused.